
The Book of Embervale: The Journey Begins

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Literature Text

After the wedding of Snow White and Prince Florian, Princess Rose Red the former’s half-sister, the honorary Eighth Dwarf Scaredy and Rose Red’s adopted Patricia remain at the castle. Rose Red is doing her princess lessons with a royal tutor (a plump and somewhat overbearing middle-aged woman) while being watched by her best friend, Scaredy.

Tutor: Now, Rose Red, a proper princess walks with her skirt up.

She holds up her dress slightly and walks over a few steps. Rose Red tries to demonstrate, holding up her dress and walking over a couple steps.

Tutor: Now, take very small, slow steps.

Rose Red steps as small and slow as she can.

Tutor: Smaller than that. No, slower. A bit faster than that. Smaller!

The girl gets somewhat nervous trying to do all that and with the tutor getting slightly snippy. Until finally, Rose Red falls over onto the floor.

Rose Red: Oof!

Scaredy: Rosie! Are you all right?

Rose Red: Yeah, I’m fine.

Scaredy goes over to her and helps her back up as the tutor comes over.

Tutor: Hmph. Let’s move on, shall we?

After Rose Red gets back up, Scaredy looking a tad annoyed with the tutor. She gives Rose Red a book.

Tutor: You will work on your balance by making sure this book does not fall from your head.

Rose Red places the book on her head.

Tutor: Now, come this way. And do not let the book fall.

The princess walks over, trying to not let the book fall off her head.

Tutor: Don’t forget to hold up your dress.

Rose Red bends down to lift her dress but ends up dropping the book to the floor.

Rose Red: Whoops! Oh shoot.

Scaredy picks it up for her.

Rose Red: Thank you, Scaredy.

She puts the book back on her head and tries again. Holding up her dress and walking over a couple steps. But one thing after another happens, either dropping the book or her dress slipping out of her fingers or stumbling on her feet.

Rose Red: Whoa!

The book slips off her head and falls towards the floor but Scaredy catches it in time.

Rose Red: Good catch.

Scaredy: Thanks. You did better than the last five times.

She smiles thankfully at him as the tutor just rolls her eyes at the two.

Tutor: (Sighs) Let’s do the next lesson.

In a moment, the three of them are sitting at a small table and a servant brings in a tea set on a tray, laying it on the table.

Tutor: Now, you will learn how to have tea like a princess.

Scaredy: Ooh, those look tasty.

He reaches over for the lemon cookies but the tutor smacks him on the hand, the dwarf quickly pulling his hand back.

Scaredy: Hey!

Tutor: No eating until the tea is poured.

He gives the sad puppy eyes as Rose Red turns to the tutor, annoyed by her treatment of Scaredy, she gives him a cookie, cheering him up.

Rose Red: It’s OK, Scaredy, you can have a cookie.

Scaredy: Thanks Rose Red.

She pets him on the back.

Tutor: Now, Rose Red, pour the tea.

Rose Red lifts the tea pot by the handle, shaking a bit out of nervousness.

Rose Red: (Takes deep breath)

She pours tea into one cup but it tips a little too far and some tea trickles out of the lid.

Tutor: It’s leaking, it’s leaking!

Rose Red: Whoops!

She puts it on the table and wipes the sides with a cloth napkin. She pours the next cup, this time supporting the spout from underneath. But in a moment, the lid falls into the cup, splashing a bit.

Rose Red: Oh shoot!

Tutor: (Irritated sigh)

Rose Red fishes the lid out of the cup and cleans it off with a napkin, putting it back on the teapot. Scaredy helps clean up with another napkin.

Tutor: First you serve the guest.

Rose Red: Scaredy, do you like cream or sugar with your tea?

Scaredy: Two sugars if you please.

Rose Red uses the tongs to pick up some sugar cubes and put them in a teacup, giving it to Scaredy.

Scaredy: Thanks. I can pour your cream if you’d like.

Rose Red: That would be lovely, Scaredy. Thank you.

The dwarf takes the cream pitcher and pours a little cream in Rose Red’s tea.

Tutor: Hmm, not bad. A princess takes small sips at a time when having tea.

Rose Red takes a small sip of tea.

Tutor: Don’t forget to extend the pinkie.

The girl and dwarf both extend their pinkies when holding their teacup handles.

Scaredy: Can we have cookies now?

Rose Red: Of course, Scaredy.

He smiles and eats the cookie Rose Red gave him a moment ago. Rose Red puts her cup down and prepares to pour some tea for the tutor. Scaredy gets another cookie, getting a little powdered sugar on his upper lip.

Tutor: You have some powdered sugar on your lip.

Scaredy: I do?

Tutor: Yes, please wipe it off.

She is about to hand him a napkin but Scaredy uses his shirt sleeve to wipe his lip.

Tutor: (Groans) Dwarfs have very strange table manners.

Rose Red: (Giggles)

She gets distracted by Scaredy’s antics and ends up missing the cup, pouring tea right on the table.

Rose Red: Whoops!

She pours tea in the cup this time then gives it to the tutor.

Rose Red: Do you like cream or sugar?

Tutor: Two sugars, please.

The princess puts two sugars in the tutor’s tea then cleans the table with a cloth napkin.

Tutor: Well, you still have a lot to learn about being a princess, my dear.

Rose Red: I see.

She finishes her tea and is about to pour another cup for herself. Then she notices Scaredy balancing a cookie on his nose, then trying to drop it into his mouth but not having much luck.

Rose Red: (Giggles)

However, she misses her cup and ends up pouring hot tea on the tutor’s front!

Tutor: Aah!

She gets up from her chair and waves at the wet place on her front to cool it down, then using a napkin to dry it off.

Tutor: I think the lessons are over for today.

Scaredy is entertained by what happened to the tutor letting out a small chuckle but it is cut off when seeing Rose Red’s dejected expression. In a little while, Rose Red and Scaredy are with Patricia in the study.

Rose Red: Oh Mother, these lessons are a lot harder than they seem.

Patricia: I know, dear.

Scaredy: I think that tutor needs an attitude adjustment.

Rose Red: I’m just not getting the hang of being a princess. I’m still readjusting to being a human.

Scaredy: I understand how you feel.

Patricia: We both do, Rose Red. But being a princess isn’t just about walking right or pouring tea, a good princess is kind and pleasant.

Scaredy: I know those fit you perfectly.

Rose Red lifts her head up some and smiling a bit.

Scaredy: Hey, how ‘bout we visit the Seven Dwarfs?

Rose Red: I’d like that a lot, it might help me relax being around good friends.

She goes to her mother, they hug.

Rose Red: We’ll be back by dinner, Mother.

Patricia: Have a lovely time, my darlings.

The princess and dwarf go down to the stable, get out a chestnut horse, tacking it up, mounting with Rose Red at the front holding the reins and Scaredy behind her.

Rose Red: (Clicks tongue)

She gives a light squeeze with her legs and the horse trots off out of the castle grounds and into the forest. Within about 15 minutes, they arrive at the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs, stopping the horse at the stream and dismounting. The horse has a drink at the stream while Rose Red and Scaredy go to the cottage, knocking at the door. In a moment, Sleepy answers.

Sleepy: Oh! Rose Red, Scaredy, what a nice surprise.

Scaredy: Hi Sleepy.

The drowsy dwarf leads the two visitors inside where the other dwarfs are.

Doc: Rose Red, Scaredy, i-i-it’s no lovely to see you.

Rose Red: Good to see you too.

Happy: Please, make yourselves at home.

Sneezy: We were about to, to, ah-choo! Have tea.

The girl and new dwarf both have a seat as the other dwarfs gather around them and have tea together with them.

Bashful: So, what’s it like at the palace?

Rose Red: It’s lovely. Though…

Doc: W-w-what is it, my dear?

Rose Red: Well, I’m just not used to being a princess. I don’t walk right, I can’t even pour tea properly.

Scaredy: You should’ve seen it when she poured hot tea on the tutor’s front.

Grumpy: Heh! Wish I saw the look on the tutor’s face.

Scaredy: It was pretty funny. The tutor Rosie has is rather an old snoot, she can use a lesson in manners herself.

Dwarfs: (Chuckling)

Rose Red: I really don’t think I’m meant to be a princess. Maybe I should just quit.

Happy: No way!

Bashful: Don’t give up, Rose Red.

Sneezy: Yeah. You shouldn’t quit, what you should do is be patient.

Sleepy: You’ll make an excellent princess, just like your sister.

Rose Red: I wish Snow White was here, she’d help me get this princess role right.

Bashful: We miss her too, we got her letter earlier today about being away in a far off land for her honeymoon and royal business.

Grumpy: Yeah, we won’t be seein’ her fer a good, long while.

Doc: B-b-but she can’t always be around ho telp, uh to help with everything.

Rose Red smiles as she finishes her cup of tea.

Rose Red: Thank you for the advice, friends. You’re right in that I should be more patient.

Scaredy: You have better patience than that tutor.

Dwarfs: (Chuckling)

After about half an hour, Rose Red and Scaredy get up then head for the door.

Rose Red: We should be going before it gets too late. Also, I told my mother that we’d be back for dinner.

Doc: Oh, of course. Bood-gye, uh goodbye you two.

Happy: See you again soon.

Scaredy: Bye.

Dwarfs: (Various goodbyes)

Rose Red and Scaredy go out to the horse who is by the stream, they mount it and ride off back to the castle. Coming back just in time for dinner and meeting up with Patricia in the dining hall.

Rose Red: We’re back, Mother.

Patricia: Hello dears. How was your visit?

Scaredy: It went well, the Seven Dwarfs are doing well.

Rose Red: They also advised me to be patient with my becoming a princess, so I’m not giving up on what my role is.

Patricia: I’m so glad to hear that, Rose Red.

Rose Red: I should probably sleep on it tonight and hope tomorrow will be better.

Scaredy under breath: Hope tomorrow the tutor will be nicer.

Rose Red and Patricia: (Laugh)

The three of them hug then have dinner together. That night, Rose Red is looking around in the royal library.

Rose Red: Now let’s see, what looks interesting to read before bed?

She searches around for something good. When suddenly, one particular book a few shelves down starts glowing brightly and vibrating.

Rose Red: Hmm?

She goes over to the book and pulls it out, looking at the cover.

Rose Red: “Legends of Embervale”. I wonder what it’s about.

She takes the book to her bedroom, after changing into her night gown and getting into bed, she takes the book and is about to read it. But when she opens it, it gives off an unusual glow.

Rose Red: (Yelps)

She drops it to the floor, startled. Scaredy comes by, looking into her open door.

Scaredy: Are you doing all right?

Rose Red: Yeah, I’m fine. I just found this strange book in the library. I dropped it, though.

He goes over to the book on the floor and picks it up.

Scaredy: Is this it?

Rose Red: That’s the one.

Scaredy (reads front title): “Legends of Embervale”. Never heard of the place nor this book.

Rose Red: Me neither, but it seems interesting.

Scaredy: Well, (yawns) I think I’m going to get some shuteye.

He hands her the book then heads back to the door, turning back to his friend.

Scaredy: Good night, Rose Red.

Rose Red: Sweet dreams, Scaredy.

The dwarf leaves as Rose Red looks at the book. Opening it again, the pages glow a bright yellow color, at first blank but the print appears like magic, forming into streams of flame and then into black ink.

Rose Red: Wow.

She begins to read.

Rose Red reading: “Chapter one, A Really Bad Start”.

As she reads, the scene fades to a slideshow of storybook illustrations with Rose Red reading what is shown.

“Long, long ago, when the world was new, the first dwarf met the first dragon, at first, they had nothing to do with each other as they were not interested in getting acquainted so they just walked past each other. Not even bothering to say hello. But one day, there was a terrible misunderstanding as the first dwarf and first dragon believed they stole each other’s treasure and murdered more than one of their people. Since then, the dwarfs and dragons have been against each other.
“As time went on, the two groups had almost made each other extinct for when a dwarf dies, a dragon dies along with it and vice-versa. When two from each tribe, the offspring of the dwarf monarchs and the hatchlings of the lead dominant dragons came face to face.
“The male royal dwarf threw down his sword as he refused to kill something that had not done him harm. The female royal dwarf as well could not bring herself to take down one so innocent and beautiful. The two young dragons sympathize for they never wanted to fight, but would rather reason. The royal dwarfs agree to talk instead of battle.
“So, the two dwarfs and two dragons conversed and got to know one another, it turned out dragons and dwarfs have many things in common. Dwarfs, like dragons, like to collect treasure and are attracted to shiny, sparkly objects. Their diets are also varied, some dwarfs and dragons like eating just meat while others choose a vegetarian option of fruits, vegetables, eggs and dairy, and some go for all of the above. Their longevity is also quite remarkable, depending on the species/race, living for hundreds of years. And while there are some dwarfs with a bad attitude, no dwarf is truly evil, just like there is no such thing as an evil dragon, some are just bullies. Rehabilitating either is always possible but some are easier than others.
“As the four young ones became good friends, they realize that neither of their clans would steal from each other, they interpret that someone or something had been framing the two groups for centuries. They decide right then and there to form an alliance and find the ones who are really stealing each other’s treasure, food and money.
“The male royal dwarf mounts the black dragon and the female royal dwarf mounts the white dragoness, they fly around looking for anything out of the ordinary. After a long while, they find some gold coins at the base of a mountain in the east valley. After landing, they inspect that the coins are dwarf-made and follow the path up the mountain leading to a cave sealed shut.
“The dwarfs are unable to move the stone door, even with their strength five times more than a human’s. The dragons then notice some writing on the wall next to it, appearing to be a riddle.
“It saying ‘It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter.’ After a moment or two of figuring, the male dragon guesses correctly that the answer is darkness, opening the door. Since dragons have a natural liking for riddles as do many dwarfs.
“After entering, the four young ones explore the dark caverns with the dragons’ flame lighting the way and finding more dwarf-made gold as well as dragon scales and claws that eventually form into gold after being shed. As well as other clues along the way such as gemstones from dragon lairs and dwarf mines, also thrown out food remains from dwarf villages as well as dragon dwellings.
“They soon find the end of the trail leading to a door, upon opening it, they find a room full of gold, gemstones, weaponry and many stolen valuable items. Many from dwarfs and dragons, as well as humans. Before they can leave, they are spotted by orcs who take them to their ambassador leader.
“He explains that he and his clan, along with the monstrous Crustinids, a hybrid creature of spider and crab, have been robbing the dwarfs and dragons for generations then placing the blame on each other so that the two groups would wipe each other out, and once they are gone, the orcs and Crustinids will make all the land their own way, however they want it. And sooner or later, destroy the world along with everyone in it.
“The two dwarfs and two dragons tried to reason with him, even offering them peace between all of their tribes. But the ambassador just laughed at this gesture and refused to listen to them, ordering his minions to dispose of the four young ones.”

The scene fades to Rose Red in her bed as she finishes chapter one.

Rose Red: Wow, this is all so amazing and fascinating. I’ll have to read the rest tomorrow.

She places the book on the night stand then turns out the light, lying back in bed and going to sleep. The next morning, Rose Red is with Patricia and Scaredy for breakfast.

Rose Red: Last night, I found this strange book in the library.

Patricia: Really?

Rose Red: Yeah, it was about how dwarfs and dragons were enemies after an awful misunderstanding.

Scaredy: When I was a nomadic traveler, I met a few dragons, they were no way fierce and greedy as many ignoramuses claim.

Rose Red: It’s a very fascinating story so far. I’ve been anxious to read the next chapter.

Patricia: Don’t forget about your lessons after breakfast, sweetheart.

Rose Red: Oh, that’s right.

After breakfast and after explaining about the book’s first chapter, Rose Red meets up with her tutor in the main hall as Scaredy watches.

Tutor: Now, Rose Red, we will try again with walking with a book on your head.

Rose Red puts “Legends of Embervale” on her head and walks over a few steps while holding up her dress.

Tutor: Now, walk this way, slowly and steadily.

The girl walks over a few steps as slowly and steadily as she can.

Scaredy: That-a-girl, Rosie!

Unfortunately, she has her mind so focused on reading the rest of the book that she ends up dropping the book from her head, catching it in her hands.

Rose Red: Whoops!

Scaredy: Good catch.

Tutor: Try again, princess.

Rose Red puts the book back on her head and tries again. This time, without dropping the book or her dress.

Tutor: That’s definitely an improvement. But you’re far from perfecting your walk.

Scaredy: (Rolls eyes)

Tutor: Now, you will practice your courtesy. Observe.

She demonstrates how to properly courtesy, Rose Red tries but forgot to remove the book from her head and ends up dropping it.

Rose Red: (Gasps) Oh shoot!

Tutor: Focus, Princess!

Rose Red: I’m sorry, ma’am, I’m really trying to set my mind on my lessons but…

Tutor: No buts! I’m going to take a restroom break.

The tutor leaves as Rose Red sadly sits on the sofa with Scaredy who is annoyed with the tutor’s attitude.

Scaredy: She’s far from perfecting her manners. Pay her no mind, Rose Red, I still think you’re a great princess on your own.

Rose Red: (Smiles) Thanks Scaredy.

Scaredy: Maybe while the tutor’s gone, you can check out the book’s next chapter.

Rose Red: What a good idea.

She opens the book and flips to where the second chapter would be but nothing happens.

Rose Red: That’s odd. Last night, the pages glowed brightly and they were blank for a moment but then the words appeared on there like magic.

Scaredy: Then how come it’s not happening now?

Rose Red: I don’t know, it’s really strange.

As they try to figure it out, the tutor returns.

Scaredy: Oh boy, Head Mistress Meanie is back.

Tutor: Now, we shall continue the lessons.

Rose Red: Yes ma’am.

Rose Red gets up from the couch and to the tutor, continuing the lessons while Scaredy looks at the first chapter of the book. After about fifteen minutes, Scaredy comes to the last page while Rose Red finishes her lessons.

Tutor: We’re finished for now. You may have lunch.

Scaredy: Ooh, lunch sounds good to me.

Within a little while, Rose Red and Scaredy are in the royal garden having a picnic.

Rose Red: I’m not sure if today’s lessons were any better than yesterday’s.

Scaredy: If you ask me, you should get a new tutor.

Rose Red: It’s just so hard to focus with this urge to continue with the book.

Scaredy: I understand. I read most of the first chapter and it really is an interesting read. There was so much dwarf history even I didn’t know about.

Rose Red: Indeed.

Scaredy: I’m just on the last page.

Rose Red: How about you read the last page to me?

Scaredy: OK.

He opens the book and comes to the last page where he was, he reads aloud the last page finishing the first chapter. He turns the page to where chapter two would be, but within a moment, streams of flame appear on the blank pages then turning into black ink.

Scaredy: (Gasps)

Rose Red: What’s the matter?

Scaredy: The words on the pages, they appeared in the form of flames then turned into normal black ink. It was like magic.

Rose Red: That’s what it did last night. How about you continue reading the next chapter to me?

Scaredy: Sure thing. “Chapter two, Enemies to Allies”.

He reads aloud as the scene fades to another storybook illustration slideshow.

“The orcs and Crustinids surrounded the dwarfs and dragons from all sides, but the dwarfs were able to climb on the dragons’ backs and leap over the opposing creatures. Running out of the cave and escaping the mountain, flying back to their land to warn their people.
“The young monarch dwarfs tell their parents, the dwarf king and queen, about the orcs and Crustinids framing the dragons and dwarfs then placing the blame on the other but they disbelieved the thought. The young dragons tell their parents, the lead dominant male and his mate, the same thing but they are skeptical of the idea. Scoffing at the idea of orcs and Crustinids trying to destroy both dwarfs and dragons.
“However, they are soon met by an entire army of orcs riding wargs and/or Crustinids coming over the horizon, ready to take them down. The dwarf monarchs and dominant dragon leaders come together, deciding to put their differences aside to save their races. Gathering the last of their clans, the riding ponies and/or dragons go into battle with the orcs and Crustinids.
“Lasting until sunset, neither side seemed victorious. As they retreated for the night, the heirs to dwarven and dragon leadership felt helpless and wished to do something to bring peace and beauty back to the land and for their people to prosper and thrive together.
“The dwarf mage and dragon elder have overheard them and explained about one way to save the dwarfs and dragons as well as banish the orcs and Crustinids back to their mountain. The mage found an old spell book in the castle library and shared it with the elder, they bonded over sharing many spells, both they know by heart and those they have just learned. Teaching each other new spells.
“One particular spell they came across did tell about a way to send the orcs and Crustinids back to their mountain and allow the dwarfs and dragons to live together in peace and prosperity. However, it was risky.
“The spell tells about two hearts to become one or living things will be none, for earth and air to be one, a Yin and Yang for moon and sun. The young dwarfs and dragons think long and hard about this, barely even sleeping the night through. To save their people and bring peace to the land, but wonder greatly on what the risk might be.
“The royal dwarfs and dragons meet in the night to converse about this, telling each other how they are nervous and uncertain about this spell. However, the male dragon proclaims that no matter what the risk, he is still willing to save the dwarfs and dragons. The others agree and with this in mind, they sleep into the night.
“The next morning as the sun rose on the horizon, the armies went to battle with the orcs and Crustinids nearly winning. Desperate, the young heirs chose right then and there to stop the fighting. They asked the mage and elder to do the spell.
“The elder and mage explain that the risk is that one dwarf and one dragon will merge together with the sun and another dwarf and dragon will merge together with the moon, they will have to give up their lives as two separate beings. The heirs felt nervous about this risk but they decide to take it for the sake of their people. The mage performs the spell on the female dwarf and white dragoness while the elder casts it on the male dwarf and black dragon.
“The sky had suddenly darkened with the dwarfs, dragons, orcs and Crustinids stopping the battle to gaze at the sky in astonishment and confusion. When suddenly, two glowing spheres rose from the dwarf castle, one holding the male royal dwarf and black dragon while the other held the female royal dwarf and white dragoness.
“The dwarf monarchs and dominant dragon leaders recognizing their offspring as the spheres form into the sun as well as the moon. The two dwarfs and two dragons merging together and used a new magic power in the form of a rainbow beam to send the orcs and Crustinids back to their mountain.
“When the dwarf monarchs and dominant dragons asked about their offspring, the mage and elder explained that they took the risk of merging together in order to save their people, they are now responsible for the sun and moon. The male dwarf and black dragon raise the moon while the female dwarf and white dragoness raise the sun.”

Returns to reality with Scaredy finishing the second chapter, as he turns the page, a piece of paper falls out.

Scaredy: Huh?

Rose Red: What’s that?

Scaredy: I don’t know, it fell out of the book.

She takes the piece of paper and unfolds it.

Rose Red: It looks like a piece of a map.

Scaredy: I wonder where the other pieces are.

Rose Red: I’m not sure. But from the look of it, there’s the castle and there’s the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs.

Scaredy: Maybe we should pay them a visit and ask them about it.

Rose Red: Good idea, but we should probably finish lunch first.

Scaredy: Oh right, that’s also a good idea.

The two finish their picnic and within half an hour, pack up and go into the castle to Patricia who is in the lounge and tell her about the book and map piece.

Rose Red: And when Scaredy finished the second chapter, a piece of a map fell out. It has the Seven Dwarfs cottage on it, so we’re hoping they might know something about this.

Patricia: Well, I’m not sure, Rose Red…

Rose Red: Don’t worry, Mother, we’ll be all right. We’ll have our seven friends with us.

Patricia: All right, you two may go. Just be safe.

Scaredy: We will be. See you soon.

Rose Red: Take care, Mother.

Patricia: Bye, my darlings.

The princess and dwarf leave the castle and walk to the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs. The duo arrive within about twenty minutes or so, just in time for their friends to return from the mine.

It’s home from work we go
It’s home from work we go

Doc: Look!

Doc suddenly stops which makes his friends behind him crash into each other. They see Rose Red and Scaredy at the cottage.

Doc: I-i-i-it’s Scaredy and Rose Red.

Happy: I wonder what brings them here.

The dwarfs all go to their cottage and to their two friends. Within a moment, they’re all inside together. Sleepy brings Rose Red a cup of tea.

Rose Red: Thanks Sleepy.

Sleepy: You bet. But, what brings you here today?

Grumpy: That tutor giving you a hard time again?

Scaredy: She is but that’s not the reason we’re here.

Rose Red: I found this strange book last night in the library, at first the pages were blank but the words just appeared like magic.

Sneezy: What is this book?

Rose Red: It’s called “Legends of Embervale”.

Sleepy: Y’know, I’ve heard that name before.

Doc: You’re right, uh-uh Sleepy. I pink, uh think it’s here somemare, uh somewhere.

He goes to a bookshelf and looks around through them, finally finding a large, thick book.

Doc: Aha, here it is, dwarf legends and facts. (blows dust off cover, opens book, flips through pages) Here it is. “Embervale, a legendary city where dwarfs and dragons lived together in harmony.”

Grumpy: Hah! Such a place doesn’t exist, it’s just all a myth.

Rose Red: That reminds me, a piece of a map fell out of the book.

Doc: Let me see, uh-uh my dear.

She hands him the map piece and he looks at it.

Doc: This looks familiar. Uh, uh, I’ve seen this before.

Sleepy: You used it for a bookmark at some point.

Doc: Oh! I remember now!

He gets out a book with a small bookmark, taking it out to reveal it is the missing piece of the map.

Sneezy: Is that it?

Doc: Sure is.

He puts it together with the piece Rose Red found.

Doc: It leads from the cottage, through the eh-eh dark forest and to a mountain.

Scaredy: That’s the mountain Skotadi made his lair in. Uh, I don’t know if it’s a hot idea to go there.

Sneezy: Relax, Scaredy.

He comes to Scaredy and pets him on the back, comfortingly.

Sneezy: That horrible wizard is gone now, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Doc: Well, are we up for finding the rest of the map piece?

Most of the dwarfs, along with Scaredy and Rose Red, raise their hands in agreement. Grumpy just stands there with his arms crossed and one eye open.

Happy: Please, Grumpy?

Grumpy: (Sighs) Fine, but I’m warnin’ ya, this will all turn out to be a wild goose chase ‘cause this Embervale place ain’t real.

Doc: Uh-uh, only one way to find out if it is or not.

All Dwarfs: Right.

The group gathers supplies and things they may need for the journey, such as water pouches, rope, compass, lanterns, First-aid kit, fire-starter, dagger, axe and some snacks. Within about ten minutes, the group leaves the cottage and toward the mountain through the dark forest.

Rose Red: Dear me. It’s so dark, it feels like it’s night already.

Grumpy: That’s why they call it the dark forest.

Scaredy: Uh, guys, I get the feeling we’re not alone.

They trek through the forest, Scaredy as well as Bashful getting nervous. An owl suddenly flies over them.

Bashful: (Gasps)

Scaredy: What was that?

Sleepy: It’s just an owl, guys. Don’t worry.

(Cawing and squawking)

Scaredy: (Whimpers)

Scaredy and Bashful look around and see the owls in the tree, also the crows looking slightly intimidating.

Bashful: (Breathes heavily)

Scaredy accidentally bumps into Bashful from behind.

Bashful: (Yelps)

Scaredy: Sorry.

Happy: Y’know, I believe there’s spooks in this forest.

Scaredy and Bashful, nervously: Spooks?!

Grumpy: Don’t be ridiculous. Spooks. (scoffs)

Happy goes over to Scaredy and Bashful, teasing them into being more nervous.

Happy: Yeah, ‘cause anyone who comes in… never comes… out!

Scaredy and Bashful: (Whimpering)

Happy: The last person to come into the dark forest was only found… as bones!

Scaredy: (Gasping)

Rose Red: Happy, would you knock off the scary stories already?

Happy: Sure, Rose Red, I’ll not tell any more stories.

However, as the group continues down the path, Happy goes behind a tree and right when Bashful and Sneezy come close to it. Happy jumps out in front of them.

Happy: BOO!

Scaredy and Bashful: (Screaming)

The two timid dwarfs embrace each other, terrified as the others look back to see Happy laughing hysterically.

Bashful: That wasn’t funny, Happy.

Doc: Now, th-th-that’s enough, you three!

Scaredy: I do believe in spooks! I do believe in spooks! I do, I do, I do believe in spooks! I do believe in spooks! I do, I do, I do!

Rose Red: C’mon, we have to keep going.

Sneezy: Yeah, before it actually does become night.

They walk down the path for ten minutes or so, then suddenly hear a bush rustle.

Scaredy and Bashful: (Gasp)

Grumpy: Happy!

Happy: It’s not me.

The group turns to see a rustling bush beside the path, they stand still, nervously awaiting it to come out. But in a second, out walks a black Labrador.

All: (Sigh with relief)

Rose Red: Ohh, it’s just a dog.

Scaredy: Whew! I like dogs.

Bashful: Yeah, and Labradors are such good, cute puppies.

Doc goes over to the dog, extending his palm.

Doc: Hey there, pooch. What cha doin’ out here?

But before he can touch it, the dog’s eyes glow brightly and it bears its teeth, drooling.

Dog: (Growling, barks)

Doc: (Yelps)

The lead dwarf backs away to the others as the dog comes closer to them in a nasty, vicious way.

Grumpy: Good, cute puppies, eh?

Bashful: (Chuckles nervously)

Sneezy: Ah-ah… AH-CHOOOOOOOO!

He lets out an enormous sneeze which blows the beastly dog away.

Rose Red: Sneezy, thank you.

Sneezy: (Sniffs) Don’t mention it. Finally, a use for my allergies.

Sleepy: I’ve read about black dogs like that, they’re dangerous ghostly beasts. Though, this is unusual to find one in a forest during the day. They’re nocturnal and usually roam rural towns and mountain paths.

Scaredy: Like Grumpy said, this forest is so dark and thick, it feels like night even during the day.

The group keeps going down the path until they finally make it to the end, outside the forest and into the light of day.

Rose Red: Whew! We made it.

Bashful: I thought we were gonna be stuck in that forest forever.

Doc: We still need to climb the path up the mountain to the cave.

The group continues up the mountain path, coming to the cave within about ten minutes. Sleepy taking out his water pouch and having a sip.

Scaredy: It feels so weird being back here with Skotadi gone.

Doc: Now, where would that piece be? Search every cook and nanny, uh hook and granny, er crooked fan, uh… search everywhere.

The group searches around for the map piece, in the two rooms and around the stone chair. Until Dopey finally finds a secret compartment in the chair’s seat, he opens it like a drawer to reveal the next piece.

Rose Red: Good work, Dopey, you found it.

Dopey: (Smiles proudly)

Doc takes the piece and places it with the others, revealing a path strait through the cave.

Doc: It seems there’s a, uh passageway th-th-that continues through the cave.

Bashful: But there’s nothing there, just a solid wall.

Scaredy: Wait a moment, there’s a crack.

Sneezy: And light’s coming through.

Grumpy takes his pickaxe from his backpack and chips away at the crack until it is big enough for the group to fit through.

Rose Red: Nice one, Grumpy. Let’s go!

The group goes through the hole, only to find a pitch-black area. But luckily Doc lights a lantern and brightens the path to reveal a long tunnel.

Scaredy: I’ve never seen this place before, I didn’t even know about it.

Grumpy: It was probably around before the wizard made you his slave.

Scaredy: Which I was for only one half of a year ago.

Sleepy: It must’ve been sealed shut long before last winter though.

They trek through the tunnel. Eventually getting to a set of stairs leading down.

Bashful: Gawrsh, that’s a long way down.

Scaredy: Yeah. Well, it looks too far, let’s go home.

He turns his back to leave but is grabbed by the shirt back by Grumpy.

Grumpy: Oh, no you don’t, Scaredy cat.

Rose Red: We’ll make it. Let’s go.

The group descends down the stairs with Doc lighting the way with his lantern. Within about twenty minutes or so, the group comes outside to a meadow.

Bashful: Whew! We made it.

Scaredy: Am I ever glad to be out in solid daylight.

Sneezy: No kiddin’.

Doc blows out the lantern and takes out a water pouch, having a drink. He hands it to Scaredy who sits on a rock, right when he has a sip of water, Sleepy notices something.

Sleepy: Scaredy, look!

Scaredy frightened: WHAT?!

He jumps up in fright into Grumpy’s arms, dropping the water pouch, Sleepy goes to the rock and finds the next map piece.

Sleepy: Here’s the next piece of map.

Scaredy: Oh. (chuckles awkwardly)

Grumpy just drops him to the ground, annoyed. Sleepy puts the map piece with the others revealing a village across the meadow.

Rose Red: Our next stop is a village.

Grumpy: Maybe someone there will give us some information on all this.

The group walks across the meadow, soon enough coming to the village on the map. However, the buildings and houses are broken down, the ground is covered in fog and whole place lacks color and life.

Doc: Oh my, i-i-it’s nothing but a ghost town.

Scaredy nervously: Ghosts?

Grumpy: Nah, there ain't no ghosts.

Sleepy: The place is just abandoned and run-down.

Sneezy: What could’ve happened? And where is everyone?

Bashful: I don’t know, but it’s giving me the creeps.

Scaredy: There aren’t a lot of things that don’t give me the creeps.

Suddenly, in Rose Red’s satchel, the book starts glowing and vibrating. She takes it out and opens it, they all see the third chapter appear.

To be continued…
Here it finally is, the first part of the pilot to 7 Dwarven Lore, took longer to finish and post than I had anticipated. One thing after another. I'm slightly stuck with how part two should work, while the plot is similar to "Rock of Sages", I'm not certain how to go about it. Probably this weekend, there will be a journal entry for you all to help with that. ;) Well, if any of you have any sort of critique and/or feedback, please let me have it.

Scaredy admitting he believes in spooks is a reference to the Cowardly Lion in "The Wizard of Oz".
The black dog the group encounters is from an old myth of a ghostly Black Dog.

*edit: I added the picture of the book as suggested by :iconactinium97:

The Seven Dwarfs belong to Disney
The following belongs to me: Rose Red, Scaredy, Patricia and the tutor.
© 2016 - 2024 tiedye237
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missuny's avatar
I have a silly question: Where did the idea of Rose Red come from?